Climate Zone Map

These zones are based on mean minimum temperatures and represent only an average for areas within the zone. Your location might be a zone or two warmer than the map shows if you live near a large body of water, or a zone or two colder if you live at a high elevation or on a north-facing slope. Adapted from the USDA Plant Climate Zone Map.

Range of average minimum temperatures for each zone:

Zone 1 Below -50° F Zone 6 -10° to 0° F
Zone 2 -50° to -40° F Zone 7 0° to 10° F
Zone 3 -40° to -30° F Zone 8 10° to 20° F
Zone 4 -30° to -20° F Zone 9 20° to 30° F
Zone 5 -20° to -10° F Zone 10 30° to 40° F
Zone 11 Above 40° F

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